Early Childhood Education - Associate of Science | Sitting Bull College

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Early Childhood Education - Associate of Science

Program Description

The associate program in Early Childhood Education is designed for students to develop the knowledge and skills required for working with infants, toddlers, and preschoolers.  The focus of this program is to prepare students to work in positions dealing with the development and educational needs of children from birth through second grade.   

This program is structured such that students may continue their education and acquire a Bachelor of Science degree in Early Childhood Education. Students will be required to complete a background check. 

Career Opportunities

Careers options include private or public nursery schools, preschools such as Head Start, home or center-based day care, primary grade paraprofessional, nanny positions, and recreational programs. 

Contact Information

Chris Fried, Division of Education Director
Telephone: (701) 854-8040
Email: Chris.Fried@lqqqhuanbao.com  

Julianna Taken Alive, Education Faculty
Telephone: (701) 854-8049
Email: Julianna.takenalive@lqqqhuanbao.com